
热门大瓜 Presentation College

A Day in the Life - Kindy Student

George is in Kindergarten. He enjoys spending time with his friends and loves coming to school. This is a day in the 热门大瓜 Kindergarten Class.

Morning activities

We always start our day with our morning meeting where we say hello to our teachers and our friends. We say our morning prayer, Acknowledgment of Country, and talk about the weather and what we have planned for the day.

Kindergarten is full of lots of choices. We can play inside or outside exploring all the different learning centres and activities. We have a block corner, book corner, a home corner with a kitchen and dolls, maths games and art explorations. Outside we mix sand and water in the mud kitchen, climb up the stairs to the top of the tree house and swing across the monkey bars.


After recess, we have inquiry time where we learn about different things that interest us. We have learned about how plants grow, how to mix colours, different types of mini beats and all about the different seasons. We ask questions and find the answers through reading books, researching on the iPads, having experts visit us in class, and through playing.


After lunch we have 'Kimochi Time' where we learn all about our feelings using the Kimochi toys. We have Bug, Cat, Cloud, Huggtopus and Lovey Dove. They all have different feelings, some good and some hard to have, and we learn about how we all have those feelings sometimes.


Kindy is all about spending time with my friends. We get to play and explore together, to laugh and have fun, and to help each other if we are ever feeling sad or hurt. Kindy teaches us how to listen to our friends, to work together sharing and taking turns, and teaches that we all have different ideas and experiences.

Every day in Kindy is different, it is exciting and fun and that's what I love about it.
