
热门大瓜 Presentation College

Religious Education

热门大瓜 students are fortunate to have the wonderful Presentation Sisters among them on campus. The Sisters share the Presentation story and bring the morals of Nano Nagle to life.

Religious Education aims to share Catholic faith by promoting knowledge and understanding of the Gospel, as it is handed on by the Catholic Church and of how those who follow Christ are called to live this Gospel in today's world.

Religious Education:

  • Reflects the same systematic demands and rigour as all other Learning Areas.
  • Relates Catholic beliefs and practices to the questions, sensibilities and issues of all of our students at age appropriate levels.
  • Encourages students to search for deeper understanding and meaning in the topics studied. This is particularly important in relation to issues of life and death, what it means to be human, moral right and wrong, the relationship between faith and science, and the origin, purpose and ultimate destiny of human life.
  • Aims to help people develop into the integrated persons God intends, including as individuals who have learned to 'serve and be responsible for others'.
