ÈÈÃÅ´ó¹Ï Presentation College

Service Groups

Venerable Nano Nagle, foundress of the Presentation Sisters, said, "If I could be of service in saving souls in any part of the globe, I would gladly do all in my power."

Service is at the heart of the Presentation tradition and a core value that is instilled into all students who attend the College.

ÈÈÃÅ´ó¹Ï students have an outstanding reputation in the community for their consistent positive involvement in many different spheres of service and the diversity of our service offerings ensures that every student has the possibility of serving in the Presentation tradition in an area of interest to them. All students engage in service at an age-appropriate level, both as part of their teaching and learning program, and as part of the College Co-curricular program.

Co-Curricular Service Groups include:

Community Cook-Ups

Open to all students who display an interest in cooking and helping those in need. Once a term, students will be offered the opportunity to cook a meal for an outreach program.

Enviro Group

The Environment Group is open to all year groups. We welcome members who are interested in environmental issues and, most importantly, we welcome people who are ready to step up and take action, starting with promoting sustainable practices at our College.

Ministry Group

The Student Ministry Group is open to all students from Years 7 - 12 who have an interest in faith ministry, music ministry and mission drives. Students will be involved in assisting with Mass and Liturgy preparations as well as other faith-related and service-related aspects of College life, or alternatively, assist with liturgical music at our Masses and liturgies when required.

Uthando Dolls

Uthando means love. The organisation enables Australians to make dolls to be donated to children affected by HIV and AIDS in South Africa.

Young Pressies

All students from Years 7–12, are welcome to attend and develop themselves as a young Presentation person who is passionate about social justice. Students who participate in this important service group will learn more about the social justice work and ministry of the Presentation Sisters, and engage in exciting and interesting service activities, listen to Guest Speakers and participate in advocacy activities centred around social justice.