ÈÈÃÅ´ó¹Ï Presentation College

Outside School Hours Care

At ÈÈÃÅ´ó¹Ï Presentation College we appreciate the juggle that busy families undertake on a daily basis in balancing hefty workloads, family commitments and general daily tasks. We are pleased to announce tha Camp Australia operate before and after school care at ÈÈÃÅ´ó¹Ï Presentation College's Junior School campus.

It is intended that the facility will be operational every day that students attend school.

Before School After School
7.00am - 9.00am 3.00pm - 6.30pm

The Outside School Hours Care program offered by Camp Australia provides time for students to undertake homework, time to relax, educational activities and a healthy snack. Best of all, their program makes time for kids to be kids - to play and explore, share with friends and enjoy these precious school years.

Camp Australia – Guiding Children's Growth

We are proud to partner with Camp Australia to provide our Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) program.

Camp Australia programs are centred on child enrichment, while ensuring a reliable, engaging and hassle-free OSHC service at our school. Their engaged educators foster a safe, inclusive environment where children can relax, have fun and grow.

Your OSHC – OSHC that inspires

At Your OSHC by Camp Australia, every before school, after school and pupil free day program is tailored to the likes and interests of each child in service. Camp Australia's educators design enriching experiences to inspire your children's confidence, independence and imagination. In any one week, they could be participating in science experiments, active play, creative expression and more - they believe in learning through experience so that each child can grow.

Rocketeers – Extraordinary Holiday Adventures

Rocketeers  by Camp Australia is a space for children to escape the ordinary and experience the extraordinary during their school holidays. Every school holiday break is a new mission for children to embark upon. With carefully designed programs, directed by the children and informed by family feedback, no two days are the same with Rocketeers . Experiences planned could include games, arts & crafts, sport, excursions, cooking, coding and more. While we don't have an onsite Rocketeers  program here at ÈÈÃÅ´ó¹Ï, you can access care at the following services: Freshwater Bay Primary School, Melville Primary School and Swanbourne Primary School, or alternatively jump onto   to find another program closer to you.

at our school, including hours of operation and fees. To attend care, you must register your child.